Bronze Sculptures

I began my artistic career as a painter but was often frustrated that my vision didn’t transfer to paper or canvas. Trying to paint animals was a disaster! A chance remark in the late nineties prompted me to give bronze sculptures a try. I love the tactile nature of the plastilene clay, and while I can’t say that every piece is exactly as envisioned, over the years I have been happy with what I create.

This medium gives me the vehicle to create animals and share what speaks to me about them. It’s important that I show my respect for a species as a whole, but to make it personal with a whimsical pose, appealing expression or graceful shape.

Watching birds and animals in nature may spark an idea for a sculpture. I then go to my reference library, amassed after many searches of used bookstores. A single photo can refine an idea but working in 3D means views of the subject from every angle. I may have as many as twenty photos pinned up by my sculpture stand. The photos help with anatomy but the personality comes from me.

I consider my work a success if the viewer can’t resist reaching out to stroke it or give it a pat.

~ click on a photo for detailed information and pricing ~
bronze sculpture birds
bronze sculpture wildlife
bronze dogs and horses
bronze functional furniture category